Currently all football activity is suspended until April 14th. Information about BDSFA's plan of management for the 2020 season can be found below, and we ask that you click the links and read the two announcements carefully to understand how your 2020 season may pan out:
While there is to be no football activity, including training, until at least April 14th, administration of the season will continue on schedule. This means if you have been asked to provide updated photos or pay outstanding registration payments, this must be done by Sunday 22nd of March, as finalisation of registrations and allocation of teams on iCompman must be completed by 9am Monday 24th of March.
What happens if someone contracts COVID-19?
Parents should in the first instance advise their Club Secretary of the person that has contracted COVID-19.
Clubs are to fill in the BDSFA supplied jot form.
The protocols as provided by Health NSW are to be followed.
In short: If any players, officials, team officials, committee members or other participants have:
a) returned from overseas OR
b) been in close contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19, they must
i. self isolate themselves for 14 days from the day they departed the relevant country;
ii. self isolate themselves for 14 days after the date of last contact with the confirmed case; and
iii. monitor themselves for symptoms
c) Any confirmed case of COVID-19 will be excluded from training or playing Football until they are medically cleared to return.
d) Close contacts of a confirmed case of COVID-19 will be excluded from training or playing Football for 14 days since last contact with the confirmed case (close contacts of a person with a confirmed infection are generally people staying in the same house or sharing a closed space for a prolonged length of time).
e) Persons who have returned to Australia and have shown no symptoms during the 14-day self-isolation period are able to return to training and playing Football
Consequences for failing to follow suspended activity notice:
"Pursuant to the Football Federation Australia decision no organised training sessions are to take place until Wednesday, 15 April. If the BDSFA is advised that clubs or coaches have organised training sessions and there is enough creditable evidence provided to the BDSFA then the BDSFA will report the issue to NSW Health and the NSW Police."